Emerging Infectious Disease Tests and Companies Developing New Technologies and Products
NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Emerging Infectious Disease Tests and Companies Developing New Technologies and Products
The report provides a comprehensive marketing and technological assessment, as well as medical rationale and diagnostic prospects for nearly 80 infectious diseases and viruses, including their scientific background, clinical significance and market needs for both current and emerging tests, vaccines, drugs and extensive listings of companies developing or marketing new technologies and products.
Contains 650 pages and 47 tables
Table of Contents
a. Background
Structure and Composition
Origin of AIDS
Animal Lentivirus Systems
Virus Receptos
HIV Infections in Humans
Pathogenesis & Pathology: Overview of
HIV Infection Course
CD4T Lymphocytes and Memory Cells
Monocytes and Macrophages
Lymphoid Organs
Neural Cells
Viral Coinfections
Clinical Findings
Plasma Viral Load
Pediatric AIDS
Neurologic Disease
Opportunistic Infections
Virus Isolation
Detection of Viral Nucleic
Acid and Antigens
Worldwide Spread of AIDS
United States
Routes of Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
Laboratory Diagnosis
Enzyme Immunoassay Interpretation
Specific, Sensitivity, and Predictive
Value of Enzyme Immunoassays
Competition Assays
Western Blot Technique
Immuno-Fluorescence Assay (IFA)
HIV-1/HIV-2 Combination Testing
Methods of HIV-Antigen Detection
Antigen Assays and Blood Screening
Urine Tests
Immunopathogenic Mechanism of HIV Infection
DNA Probes
Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
In Situ PCR
Needed Improvements
Viral Load/Drug Resistance Testing
Genotype and Phenotype Testing
Blood Banking Consideration
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Antiviral Drugs
Vaccines Against HIV
Transmission of HIV in Blood Products
HIV Transmission in Transplant and
Artificial Insemination Recipients
2. Adenovirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
d. Adeno-Associated Viruses(AAV)
3. Aeromonas
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
4. Anthrax/Bacillus Anthracis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
5. Arboviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
6. Babesiosis
a. Background
7. Bacillary Epithelioid Angiomatosis (BEA)
And Other Bartonella (Rochalimaea)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
8. Blastocystis Hominis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
9. Brucella
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
10. Campylobacter
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Identification from Culture
c. Vaccines and Drugs
11. Candida
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
12. Chagas Disease
a. Background
13. Chancroid
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
14. Chlamydia
a. Background
Chlamydia Psittaci
Chlamydia Pneumoniae
Chlamydia Trachomatis
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
15. Clostridium Difficile
a. Background
Pediatric Infections
b. Diagnostic Tests
Fluorescent-Antibody Assays
Poloymerase Chain Reactions
c. Drugs and Vaccines
16. Coronaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
17. Coxsackieviruses
a. Background
Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome
Hepidemic Conjuctivitis
Epidemic Pleurodynia
Overwhelming Infection of the Newborn
Acute Aseptic Meningitis
Undifferentiated Febrile Illness
Fever with upper respiratory infection
Asymptomatic Infection
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
18. Creutzfeldt-Jakob's Disease
a. Background
Blood Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
Major Commercial and Academic Players
Disease Sciences/Bio Tec Global
Imperial College of Medicine
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
ProMetic Life Sciences
Proteome Sciences/Idexx
Q-One Biotech
U.S. Agricultural Research Service
c. Vaccines
19. Cryptosporidium Parvum
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Laboratory Parasitology
c. Vaccines and Drugs
20. Cyclospora Cayetanensis
a. Background
Asymptomatic Infection
Diarrhea in Immunocompetent Persons
Diarrhea in Immunocompromisedersons
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
21. Cytomegalovirus
a. Background
Central Nervous System Disease
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
22. Ebola Virus
a. Background
Hemorrhagic Fever
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
23. E. Coli
a. Background
Role of Escherichia Coli in
Causing Diarrhea
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
24. EchoVirus
a. Background
Acute Aseptic Miningitisis
Respiratory Disease
Neonatal Infections
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
25. Encephalitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
26. Enteroviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Viral Isolation and Identification
Antibody Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
27. Epstein-Barr Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
28. Giardia Lamblia
a. Background
Life Cycle and Morphology
Morphology of Trophozoites
Clinical Disease
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
29. Gonorrhea
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
30. Granuloma Inguinale
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
31. Hantavirus
a. Background
Identification of the Agent
Other Rodent Hantaviruses
Hantavirus Diseases
Addendum in Proof-Northeastern Connection
Previously Unknown Pathogens
Cases Nationwide
b. Diagnostic Tests
An Immunohistochemistry Approach
Hantavirus Rapid Diagnostic Test
ELISA Diagnosis of Hantavirus Pulmonary
IgM Capture ELISA
c. Vaccines and Drugs
32. Helicobacter Pylori
a. Background
Role in Peptic Ulcer Disease
Role in Gastric Cancer
Nonulcer Dyspepsia
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Specific Therapeutic Regimens
Who Should Be Treated?
Participants in Controlled Clinical Trials
Patients with Refractory Peptic Ulcer
Patients with Refractory NUD
Patients in High-Risk Groups for Gastric
33. Hepatitis
a. Background
b. Hepatitis A
c. Hepatitis B
d. Hepatitis C
Transmission of Infection
Occupational Hazards
Acute Hepatitis
Diagnosis of Acute Infection
Chronic Hepatitis
HCV and Other Chronic Liver Diseases
Alcoholic Liver Disease
Hepatitis B Coinfection
Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Diagnostic Tests
Possible Indications for HCV RNA Testing
Conclusions and Future Direction
e. Hepatitis D
Historical Perspective
HBV-HDV "Coinfection" vs. "Superinfection"
Methods of Detecting HDV
f. Hepatitis E
Prevalence of the Disease
Diagnostic Tests
Epidemiologic Serosurveys
Serologic Cross-Reactivity
g. Hepatitis G
Vaccines and Drugs
34. Herpes Simplex Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
35. Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)
a. Background
HIV-6 Infections
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
36. Influenza Viruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
37. Legionella
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
38. Lyme Disease
a. Background
Clinical Description
Clinical Case Definition
Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis
Case Classification
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
39. Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
40. Malaria
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Potential Diagnositic Problems with Positive
Patients from Non-endemic Areas
c. Vaccines and Drugs
41. Measles (Rubeola)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
42. Meningitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Development of Polysaccharide Vaccines
Quadrivalent Vaccine Development
Meningococcal A.C.Y. & W-135 Vaccines
Efficacy of Group C Vaccine
Efficacy of Group A Vaccine
Combinations of Group A and C Vaccines
Group B Efficacy Trials
Future Direction
43. Microsporidium
a. Background
Prevalence and Geographic Distribution
Sources of Human Infection and Transmission
b. Diagnostic Tests
Light Microscopic Examination of Stool
Specimens By Chromotrope Staining
Stool Concentration Methods
Chemofluorescent Agents
Giemsa Staining of Stool Specimens
Cytologic Diagnosis
Histologic Examination
Electron Microscopy
Examination of Bodily Fluids
Examination of Tissue Sections
Immunofluorescence Detection Procedures
Cell Culture
Approach to Diagnosis
Evaluation of Patients with Presumptive
Intestinal Microsporidiosis
Evaluation of Patients with Presumptive
Ocular Microsporidiosis
c. Vaccines and Drugs
44. Mononucleosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
45. Mumps
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Efficacy of Vaccination
Future Issues
46. Mycoplasma
a. Background
Ureaplasma Urealyticum & Mycoplasma Hominis
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
47. Papillomaviruses
a. Background
HPV in Cancer
Cervical Neoplasm
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
48. Parvovirus B19
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
49. Pneumonia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
50. Polyomaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
51. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
a. Background
Virulence Factors
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
52. Rabies
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
53. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
54. RhinoViruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
55. RotaVirus (REOVIRUS)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
56. Rubella(MEASLES)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Developing Countries
Elimination and Eradication of Measles
New Developments
57. Salmonellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
58. Septicemia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
59. Shigellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
60. Staphylococcus Aureus
a. Background
The Genus Taphylococcus
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
61. Streptococci
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Group A Streptococci
Group B Streptococci
62. Syphilis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Rabbit Infectivity Testing
Other Diagnostic Modalities
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Syphilis and HIV Infection
Syphilis As a Cofactor for HIV Transmission
Basic Science Issues
63. Toxoplasmosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
64. Trichomonas Vaginalis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
65. Tuberculosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
Microscopic Characteristics
Cultural Characteristics
Detection of Antibodies
Skin Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
66. Vibrio
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
67. West Nile Virus
a. Background
Clinical Syndromes
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
68. Yersina
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Adenovirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bartonella Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Campylobacter Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Candida Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Chlamydia Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Clostridium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Coronavirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cryptosporidium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CMV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Echovirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Enterovirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing EBV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Giardia Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hantavirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Helicobacter Pylori Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hepatitis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Influenza Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Legionella Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lyme Disease Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lymphogranuloma Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Malaria Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Measles Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Meningitis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Microsporidium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mononucleosis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mumps Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mycoplasma Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Papilloma Virus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Parvovirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Pneumonia Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing RSV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rotavirus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rubella Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Salmonella Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Septicemia Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Shigella Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Staphylococci Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Streptococci Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Toxoplasmosis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Trichomonas Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Tuberculosis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing West Nile Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Yersinia Tests
To order this report:
: Emerging Infectious Disease Tests and Companies Developing New Technologies and Products
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Nicolas Bombourg
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