NEW YORK, March 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
This report analyzes the worldwide markets for installed base of HetNets in Thousand Units. The report also analyses the market for Small Cell Equipment in US$ Million. The report provides separate comprehensive analytics for North America, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World. Annual estimates and forecasts are provided for the period 2012 through 2020. Market data and analytics are derived from primary and secondary research. Company profiles are primarily based on public domain information including company URLs. The report profiles 75 companies including many key and niche players such as -
AirHop Communications, Inc.Airvana LPAlcatel-LucentAricent GroupBLiNQ Networks, Inc.I. INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY & PRODUCT DEFINITIONSStudy Reliability and Reporting Limitations I-1Disclaimers I-2Data Interpretation I-2Quantitative Techniques & Analytics I-3Product Definitions and Scope of Study I-3II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
The Dawn of the Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) II-1
Figure: The HetNet Continuum II-2
HetNets Paradigm Continues to Evolve II-3
Rising User Expectations of QoE & QoS: Foundation for Carrier
HetNet Deployment II-3
HetNets Approach Resolves Network Coverage Gaps & Capacity
Shortage II-4
Table 1: Percentage Contribution of Spectrum Re-farming,
Spectrum Auction, Unlicensed Spectrum, Multiple Input
Multiple Output & Smart Antenna, Spectrum Sharing, Carrier
Aggregation, and Coordinated Multipoint to Spectral Capacity
of Mobile Networks for Years 2013 and 2018 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-5
Market Benefits from the Post-Recession Recovery in Industry
Prospects II-5
Outlook II-6
2. COMPETITION II-7The HetNet Vendor Ecosystem II-7Figure: HetNet Vendor Ecosystem II-7Cisco Leads the Femtocell Market II-8Table 2: Global Femtocell Devices Market by Vendors (2013):Percentage Breakdown of Revenues for Cisco/ip.access,Airvana, ip.access, Samsung, and Others (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-9Ceragon Networks and Erickson: Leading Players in WirelessBackhaul Market II-9Table 3: Global Long Haul Wireless Backhaul Systems MarketLeaders (2012): Percentage Breakdown of Units Deployed forCeragon Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Aviat Networks, NECCorporation, Ericsson, Nokia Solutions Networks (NSN),Fujitsu, SIAE Microelectronica, Proxim, and Others (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-9
Table 4: Global High-Capacity Short Haul Wireless Backhaul
Systems Market Leaders (2012): Percentage Breakdown of Units
Deployed for Ericsson, Huawei, NEC Corporation, Ceragon
Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, SIAE Microelectronica, Aviat
Networks, Dragon Wave, Nokia Solutions Networks (NSN), and
Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-10
Small Cells Market Abuzz with Player Activity II-10
Competition Heats Up in the Enterprise and Public Access Small
Cell Market II-11
Table 5: Global Small Cells Market by Type (2013 & 2015):
Percentage Breakdown of Sales Revenues for Public Area,
Enterprise and Consumer Small Cells (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-11
Operators Offer Innovative Business Models for Emerging Small
Cell Ecosystem II-12
A Close Look at Cloudberry Mobiles Small Cell as a Service (
SCaaS) Offering II-12
Carriers and Vendors Strive to Develop and Monetize Femtocell
Market II-13
Table 6: Global Femtocell Device Sales Revenues in USD
Millions for the Years 2010 to 2013 (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-13
Advanced Femtozones to Spawn a New Range of Carrier Services II-14
Carriers Keenly Eye Rising Enterprise Femtocell Market II-14
Table 7: Femtocell Device Sales by Type (2012 & 2015):
Percentage Breakdown of Unit Volume Sales for Consumer,
Enterprise, and Public Access Femtocell Devices (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-16
3. MARKET TRENDS, ISSUES & DRIVERS II-17The 'Big' Role of Small Cells in Heterogeneous Networks II-17Small Cells Shipments, Installations and Sales on the Rise II-17Table 8: Worldwide Macrocell and Small Cell Base StationShipment Volumes (2012-2020): Breakdown of Unit Shipmentsfor Macro Base Stations, and Small Cell Base Stations forResidential, Outdoor, and Indoor Public Access Applications(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-18
Table 9: Global Small Cell Deployments by Type (2013 &
2015): Percentage Breakdown of Deployments in Thousands of
Units for Femtocells, Microcells, Metrocells and Picocells
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-19
Table 10: Global Small Cell Shipment Value in US$ Million(2012, 2016 & 2020) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-19Small Cell Deployments Ongoing, Yet to Take Form of True HetNet II-20Major Challenges for Operators Deploying Small Cells RankedBy Priority II-20Small Cells Aids in Optimizing Usage of Limited SpectrumResources II-21Strong Case for Sharing of Small Cell Networks and Resources II-21Microwave Dominates Small Cell Backhaul Space II-22Table 11: Comparative Analysis of Global Small Cell BackhaulInstallation by Major Type (2013 & 2020): PercentageBreakdown of Number of Installations of Microwave Link,Optic Fiber Cable, and Copper Cable (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-22NLOS Backhaul: A Cost Effective Solution for HetNets II-22Table 12: Small Cell Backhaul Deployments by Type (2018):Percentage Breakdown of Number of Deployments for DFDM NLOS(< 6 GHz), Fiber, LOS Millimeter Wave (60-80 GHz), Copper,Wi-Fi (< 6 GHz), Satellite, and Microwave LOS (6-8 GHz)(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-23Femtocell Shipments and Deployment Gain Momentum II-23Global Carrier Commercial Deployments of Femtocell (2007-2012) II-24Developed Countries Account for Lion's Share of Femtocell Market II-25Standalone Femtocells to Dominate Shipments in Near Term II-25Table 13: Global Femtocell Device Unit Sales by Form (2015):Percentage Breakdown of Volume Sales for Standalone andIntegrated Femtocells (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-26Multimode Femtocells to Facilitate Transition between 3G and4G Cellular Networks II-26Table 14: Global Small Cell Shipments by Type (2018P):Percentage Breakdown of Unit Shipments for 4G Public AccessFemtocell, 2G/3G Microcell, 4G Mini eNodeB, 2G/3G Femtocell,and 2G/3G Picocell (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-26Wi-Fi Offload Assumes Growing Role in HetNet Architecture II-27Table 15: Global Number of Public and Private Wi-Fi Hotspotsfor the Period 2009-2015 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-27
Table 16: Worldwide Wi-Fi Chipset Shipments in Billions of
Units (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-28
New Developments Pave Path for Seamless Wi-Fi Access II-28
Operators Begin to Embrace Wi-Fi as a Complementary Radio
Access Network II-29
Table 17: Global Carrier Wi-Fi Equipment Sales by Type (2013 &
2016): Percentage Breakdown of Sales for Wi-Fi Hotspot
APs, Mobile Wi-Fi APs, and Wi-Fi Hotspot Controllers
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-30
Wi-Fi Integrated Small Cells Devices: A Potential Game Changer II-30
HetNets: A Key Benefactor and Enabler of Eco-friendly 'Green
Radios' II-31
Table 18: Network OPEX of European Mobile Network Operators
by Segment (2013): Percentage Breakdown of Expenditure for
Rentals & Leases; Energy; Leased Line, Repairs & Maintenance;
Office Rent, and Others (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-31
Table 19: Network OPEX of Indian Mobile Network Operator bySegment (2013): Percentage Breakdown of Expenditure for Fuel &Power; Repairs & Maintenance; Office Rent; Leased Line,PSTN Rentals & Interconnect; Insurance, and Others (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-32
Table 20: Average Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Mobile Network
Operator and User by Segment (2013): Breakdown of Annual CO2
Emissions per User in Kilograms for Hardware Production and
Operation (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-32
Software Defined Networking (SDN): A Potent Approach for
Backhaul Applications in HetNets II-33
Table 21: Potential CAPEX Savings Realized Through SDN
Adoption by Network Elements (2014 & 2016): Percentage of
Savings for Cloud RAN, Small Cells, Load Redistribution/Metro
Aggregation, Local Breakout, and Wi-Fi Offload (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-34
Smart Devices Alter Data Consumption Dynamics, Ramps up Mobile
Data Traffic II-34
Table 22: World Market for Smartphones (2013, 2014 & 2017):
Breakdown of Sales in Thousand Units by Geographic
Region/Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-35
Table 23: Percentage Breakdown of Global Monthly MobileTraffic by Data and Voice Segments for Years 2012, 2015 &2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-36
Table 24: Average Time Spent (In Minutes) on Mobile Apps on
Smartphones & Tablets Worldwide Per User Per Day: Breakdown
by Category (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-37
Table 25: Global Mobile Data Consumption by Device (2013 &2015): Percentage Breakdown of Monthly Data Consumption forFeature Phones, Smartphones and Tablets/Dongles (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-38Boom in Consumption of Mobile Video-based Content and Apps II-38Table 26: Mobile Internet Data Traffic by Type ofValue-added Service (2013 & 2015): Percentage Breakdown ofMonthly Data Usage per User for Video; Internet Browsing;Voice Calling, SMS, MMS & Internet Messenger; P2P; Gaming;Audio Streaming; Cloud (non-video); and Downloads (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-39
Table 27: Worldwide Monthly Wireless Data Traffic in
Millions of Gigabytes per Month for the Years 2012 Through
2018 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-40
High Demand for Mobile Broadband Subscription II-40
Table 28: Global Mobile Communications Market: Data
Subscriptions as a Percentage of the Overall Mobile
Subscriptions through Years 2010, 2011 & 2012 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-40
Increased Strain on 3G Networks Brings 4G Networks into
Spotlight II-40
Transition to 4G Networks: Revolutionizing Mobile
Communications Landscape II-41
Table 29: Global 4G Market (2013E): Percentage Breakdown of
Subscribers by Region (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-42
HetNets Come to the Rescue II-42
Table 30: Worldwide Total Wireless Data Traffic Transmission
by Type of Access Network (2013 & 2020): Percentage
Breakdown of Data Carried Over Macrocells, Carrier Wi-Fi
APs, Small Cells, and DASs (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-43
Projected Rise in New LTE & LTE-Advanced Network Launches to
Boost Market Prospects II-44
Table 31: Worldwide Population Coverage of Mobile
Communications by Type of Network Technology (2012 & 2017):
Penetration Percentage of Population for GSM/EDGE,
WCDMA/HSPA and LTE Cellular Systems (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-44
Table 32: Global Commercial LTE Network Deployments:Breakdown of Projected Cumulative Deployments for Years 2013through 2016 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-46
Table 33: World Market for LTE Infrastructure (2011, 2013E &
2017P): Breakdown of Annual Operator Spending in US$ Million
by Geographic Region/Country (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-46
Cloud Phenomenon to Further Fuel Wireless Traffic II-47
High Costs Deters Cloud RAN Deployment in HetNets II-47
Figure: Cloud RAN Architecture II-48
Convergence of Information and Communications Spawns Plethora
of Connected Devices II-48
Figure: Telecommunications Network Convergence II-49
Heterogeneous Networks Suitable for Delivery of M2M
Applications and Services II-50
SON-Enabled HetNets Ideal for Smooth Integration and
Interworking of Diverse Communication Technologies II-51
Figure: HetNets Support Multi-dimensional Telecom Network II-52
SON Software: A Key Enabler in HetNet Implementation II-52
HetNet Aids Carriers in Assuaging Impact of Mobile Internet on
Revenues II-53
Table 34: Global Mobile Network Operator Revenues by Type of
Service (2012 & 2015): Percentage Breakdown of Service
Revenue for Data and Voice Based Services (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) II-54
Table 35: Percentage Breakdown of CAPEX and Non-CAPEX Savingsfor LTE Networks Realized through HetNets (2012 & 2015)(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-55
Table 36: Global Base Station Installation Costs by Types
(2013): Percentage Breakdown of Backhaul Transmission; Site
Lease; Buildout & Installation; Equipment Purchase; and
Operation, Maintenance & Power Costs for Macrocells,
Microcells, and Picocells (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-55
Urban Network Congestion Strengthens Case for HetNets II-56
Table 37: Global Population by Geographic Areas with
Corresponding Mobile Traffic (2018): Percentage Breakdown of
Global Population and Wireless Traffic Generated from Metro,
Urban, Semi-urban and Rural Areas (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-56
Smart Small Cell Backhaul Strategy Critical for Smooth
Operation of HetNets II-57
Smart Backhauling: A Tool for Honing Competitive Edge of
Carriers II-57
Backhauling Vital for Sustaining Service Profitability II-58
Small Cell Backhaul Presents Number of Challenges II-58
SoC Development Essential for Mass Deployment of HetNets II-58
Security Gateway Solutions Required to Keep Pace with
Expansion of HetNets II-59
Developing Countries to Drive Future Growth II-59
Table 38: World Market for Mobile Phones by Geographic Region
(2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales by
Region/Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-60
Table 39: Global Percentage Share Breakdown of Number ofMobile Subscriptions by Region for the year 2012 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-60Table 40: Top 10 Countries with Active Mobile Subscriptions(2012) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-61Table 41: World Smartphone Penetration for Select Countries(as a Percentage of Mobile Phone Users): 2013 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-62
Table 42: Global Mobile Internet Market (2012): Estimated
Number of Active Mobile Broadband Subscriptions (in Millions)
in Developed and Developing Countries (includes corresponding
Graph/Chart) II-62
Table 43: MVAS as a Percentage of Total Mobile ServiceRevenues in Developing Countries (2012) (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) II-63
HetNets II-64
Figure: Typical HetNet Architecture II-64
Components of HetNet II-65
Technical Specifications of HetNet Base Stations in a Nutshell II-65
Macrocells II-65
Small Cells II-65
Classification of Small Cells Based on Deployment Site II-66
Major Milestones in the Evolution of Small Cell Market II-66
Microcells II-66
Picocells II-66
Femtocells II-67
Distributed Antenna System (DAS) II-67
Relay Nodes II-67
Wi¬-Fi Access Points II-67
Backhaul II-68
Technologies Supporting HetNet Deployment II-69
Self-Organizing Network (SON) II-69
Mobility Management and Traffic Steering II-70
Coordinated multi-point (CoMP) II-70
Voice over LTE (VoLTE) II-70
Major Industry Associations II-70
Small Cells Forum II-70
Network Vendors Interoperability Testing (NVIOT) Forum II-71
3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) II-71
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) II-71
5. RECENT INDUSTRY ACTIVITY II-72Gogo expands to Canada II-72SOLiD Partners Panduit Corp. II-72TE Connectivity Announces Deployment of InterReach Fusion andInterReach Spectrum DAS II-72Celeno Communications to Integrate Beamforming Technology intoUbee Interactive's xDSL Gateway II-72Lightbridge Communications Inks Partnership Agreement withKeima for Providing HetNet Solutions II-72Sprint Announces Plans to Acquire T-Mobile II-73AT&T Mobility Announces Plans for Network-wide Small CellDeployment II-73Cisco Completes Ubiquisys Acquisition II-74ARitel Chooses AirHOP's eSON™ for the LTE Deployment II-74Telstra and Ericsson Renew Partnership for LTE NetworkEnhancement II-74Freescale and AirHop Collaborate for Rapid Global Deploymentof HetNets II-75Ericsson Acquires BelAir Networks II-76Qualcomm Acquires DesignArt Networks II-76Nokia Siemens Networks Signs Global Reseller Agreement withRuckus Wireless to Offer Wi-Fi Solutions II-76AirHop Forges Collaboration with Airspan for LTE HetNet Solution II-77SK Telecom to Implement HetNet Integration Technology forVarious Networks II-77mimoOn Inks Partnership with Eden Rock for Providing SONSolutions for HetNets II-78ip.access Inks Distribution Agreement with GDS for African Market II-78
Wilson Electronics Introduces DT4G Signal Booster II-79
Optiglow Systems Unveils DAS-integrated HetNets II-79
TE Connectivity Announces Additional Flexwave Prism High-
Density Module II-79
ip.access Announces Launch of Small Cell Range Integrated with
Qualcomm Chips II-79
Tarana Wireless Unveils AbsoluteAir Backhaul Solution II-80
NEC Launches a Compact, All-Inclusive LTE Small Cell Gateway II-80
Qualcomm Technologies Launches the Qualcomm FSM99xx II-80
Airspan Unveils AirSynergy 2000 Outdoor LTE Pico-Cell Solution II-81
AirHop Unveils vSON™ for HetNet Deployment II-81
Ericsson to Launch Innovative MINI-LINK and IP-based Backhaul
Products II-82
Ericsson and Nokia Announce New Wi-Fi Traffic Steering Technology II-83
Maxim Introduces MAX2580 Single-Chip Multimode RF II-83
Huawei Launches UMTS HetNet Macro-Micro Co-Carrier Network
Platform II-84
Ericsson Unveils Innovative Stadium-Optimized Wi-Fi Platform II-84
NSN Announces Launch of Flexi Zone for Wireless RAN and HetNet
Deployments II-85
Ruckus Launches SmartCell II-86
Ceragon Introduces FibeAir IP-20C Microwave Radio Device for
HetNet Deployments II-86
Cellcom to Offer Firstever FemtoCloud Developed by Airvana and
Taqua in North American Market II-87
Huawei Unveils New Series of Small Cell Solutions II-88
Qualcomm Unveils MDM8225™ Chipset II-88
7. PLAYERS IN THE HETNET ECOSYSTEM II-90AirHop Communications, Inc. (US) II-90Airvana LP (US) II-91Alcatel-Lucent (France) II-91Aricent Group (US) II-92BLiNQ Networks, Inc. (Canada) II-93Cambridge Broadband Networks Limited (UK) II-93Ceragon Networks Ltd (Israel) II-93Cisco Systems, Inc. (US) II-94Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. (US) II-95Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) II-95ip.access Limited (UK) II-96NEC Corporation (Japan) II-97Nokia Solutions and Networks (Finland) II-98Qualcomm Incorporated (US) II-99RadiSys Corporation (US) II-100Rakon Limited (New Zealand) II-100Ruckus Wireless, Inc. (US) II-101Samsung Networks Business (South Korea) II-102SpiderCloud Wireless, Inc. (US) II-102Taqua LLC (US) II-103Tarana Wireless (US) II-103Telefonaktiebolaget Lm Ericsson (Sweden) II-103Texas Instruments Inc. (US) II-104UbeeAirWalk, Inc. (US) II-105ZTE Corporation (China) II-105
Table 44: World Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for
HetNets by Geographic Region - North America, Japan, Europe,
and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with
Cumulative Installed Base of Small Cells (Femtocells,
Picocells, Microcells, and Metrocells) in Thousand Units for
Years 2012 through 2020 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-107
Table 45: World 9-Year Perspective for HetNets by GeographicRegion - Percentage Breakdown of Sales of Small Cells(Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and Metrocells) for NorthAmerica, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World Markets for Years2012, 2014, and 2020 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-108
Table 46: World Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis for
HetNets by Geographic Region - North America, Japan, Europe,
and Rest of World Markets Independently Analyzed with Annual
Revenues Figures of Small Cells (Femtocells, Picocells,
Microcells, and Metrocells) in US$ Million for Years 2012
through 2020 (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) II-109
Table 47: World 9-Year Perspective for HetNets by GeographicRegion - Percentage Breakdown of Dollar Revenues of SmallCells (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and Metrocells) forNorth America, Japan, Europe, and Rest of World Markets forYears 2012, 2014, and 2020 (includes correspondingGraph/Chart) II-110III. MARKET
A.Market Analysis III-1
Smart Devices and Data Hungry LTE Supported Services Fuels
Growth of Small Cell Networks III-1
Table 48: North American Monthly Wireless Data Consumption
in Thousands of Gigabytes: 2012-2018 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-1
Carrier Commercial Deployments of Femtocells in North
America (2007-2012) III-2
Wi-Fi Operators Show the Way for Resource Sharing Among
Carriers III-2
Increased Spectrum Availability to Benefit HetNets III-3
New US FCC Rules for 60-GHz Band Paves Way for Lower 4G/LTE
Backhaul Costs III-3
Recent Industry Activity III-4
Product Introductions III-7
Select Key Players III-13
B.Market Analytics III-22
Table 49: North American Recent Past, Current and Future
Analysis for HetNets Analyzed with Cumulative Installed Base
of Small Cells (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and
Metrocells) in Thousand Units for Years 2012 through 2020
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-22
Table 50: North American Recent Past, Current and FutureAnalysis for HetNets Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures ofSmall Cell Equipment (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, andMetrocells) in US$ Million for Years 2012 through 2020(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-23
A.Market Analysis III-24
Outlook III-24
Carrier Commercial Deployments of Femtocells in Japan (
2007-2012) III-24
Nec Corporation - A Key Player III-24
B.Market Analytics III-25
Table 51: Japanese Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis
for HetNets Analyzed with Cumulative Installed Base of Small
Cells (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and Metrocells) in
Thousand Units for Years 2012 through 2020 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-25
Table 52: Japanese Recent Past, Current and Future Analysisfor HetNets Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures of SmallCell Equipment (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, andMetrocells) in US$ Million for Years 2012 through 2020(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-26
A.Market Analysis III-27
Outlook III-27
Heterogeneous Networks Begin to Blossom in Europe III-27
Booming Small Cells Market Becomes a Platform for New Services III-28
Carrier Commercial Deployments of Femtocells in Europe (
2007-2012) III-28
Russian Femtocell Market: A Late Bloomer III-29
Table 53: Russian Total Femtocell Deployments by Federal
Districts (2012): Percentage Breakdown Existing
Installations for Central, North West, Volga, Siberia,
South, Far East, and North Caucasus Federal Districts
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-29
Product Introductions III-30
Select Key Players III-33
B.Market Analytics III-38
Table 54: European Recent Past, Current and Future Analysis
for HetNets Analyzed with Cumulative Installed Base of Small
Cells (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and Metrocells) in
Thousand Units for Years 2012 through 2020 (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-38
Table 55: European Recent Past, Current and Future Analysisfor HetNets Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures of SmallCell Equipment (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, andMetrocells) in US$ Million for Years 2012 through 2020(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-39
A.Market Analysis III-40
Outlook III-40
Carrier Commercial Deployments of Femtocells in Rest of
World (2007-2012) III-40
Developing Countries to Drive Future Growth III-40
Table 56: World Market for Mobile Phones by Geographic
Region (2012): Percentage Share Breakdown of Volume Sales
by Region/Country (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-41
Table 57: Global Percentage Share Breakdown of Number ofMobile Subscriptions by Region for the year 2012 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-42Table 58: Top 10 Countries with Active Mobile Subscriptions(2012) (includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-42Table 59: World Smartphone Penetration for Select Countries(as a Percentage of Mobile Phone Users): 2013 (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-43
Table 60: Global Mobile Internet Market (2012): Estimated
Number of Active Mobile Broadband Subscriptions (in
Millions) in Developed and Developing Countries (includes
corresponding Graph/Chart) III-43
Table 61: MVAS as a Percentage of Total Mobile ServiceRevenues in Developing Countries (2012) (includescorresponding Graph/Chart) III-44Major Trends III-44Small Cells to Figure Prominently in 3G and 4G NetworksRollouts in India III-44Brazilian Telecom Regulator Anatel to Authorize FemtocellUsage III-44African Market: An Emerging Hotbed for Small Cells III-45Recent Industry Activity III-45Product Introductions III-47Select Key Players III-48B.Market Analytics III-52Table 62: Rest of World Recent Past, Current and FutureAnalysis for HetNets Analyzed with Cumulative Installed Baseof Small Cells (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, andMetrocells) in Thousand Units for Years 2012 through 2020(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-52
Table 63: Rest of World Recent Past, Current and Future
Analysis for HetNets Analyzed with Annual Revenue Figures of
Small Cell Equipment (Femtocells, Picocells, Microcells, and
Metrocells) in US$ Million for Years 2012 through 2020
(includes corresponding Graph/Chart) III-53
Total Companies Profiled: 75 (including Divisions/Subsidiaries - 78)
The United States (30)Canada (2)Japan (4)Europe (28)- France (6)- Germany (1)- The United Kingdom (8)- Italy (1)- Spain (1)- Rest of Europe (11)Asia-Pacific (Excluding Japan) (9)Middle East (4)Africa (1)
To order this report: Global HetNets Industry
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