NORMAN, Okla., Jan. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In a world full of disruption at school and at work, innovative tools are spreading in popularity across the world to help individuals use their own skills records and to proactively navigate life's new directions. By combining credentials from multiple organizations in a consistent data format, Gradintelligence ( and ELocker ( give lifelong learners access to portable, interoperable evidence of their development, related experience and associated attainments that are used to help them achieve their personal goals and live their best life wherever they are.
In a joint development effort with ELocker and the University of Central Oklahoma Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR) ( Olivedon's Gradintelligence team showcased these new interoperable learner records in IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS) Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) ( format and how they can be easily exchanged between credentials services internationally. The project also highlights how individuals can use their credentials data to verify their achievements and power meaningful connections to matched opportunities for employment and personal development.
"We are proud to announce that on completion of the demonstration project, ELocker, an IMS Contributing Member, is one of the first organizations to receive certification for the CLR standard by IMS Global Learning Consortium," said Nick Hathaway, ELocker CEO.
Driven by a mission to transform the transition from education to work and further study, the Olivedon Gradintelligence service now supports over 1.3 million students in the United Kingdom and graduates with digital access to their university credentials and targeted support services.
Individual users control their own credentials data and can securely share them with third parties to verify their achievements. A rapidly growing receiving network of over 1,000 universities and thousands of employers, credential check agencies, education ministries and visa offices globally already use Gradintelligence services for this purpose.
"We're thrilled that our partnership with ELocker and UCO has resulted in us being among the very first of hopefully many organizations to achieve CLR certification from IMS Global," John Bolland, managing director of Olivedon, said. "We are looking forward to introducing new ways for our student and graduate users to take control and apply their interoperable credentials. We also look forward to continued partnership with ELocker and collaboration with IMS as we extend our skills and competency framework developments to further enhance our education and employment ecosystem."
ELocker CEO Nick Hathaway said, "ELocker is delighted about this achievement with Gradintelligence, UCO and IMS. Wherever their unique life's journey takes them, we'll be able to even more powerfully and effectively help learners achieve the heights of their personal ambitions in school and at work. We're excited to be bringing innovations to education and workforce that are as dynamic as the world around us."
In leading UCO's STLR initiative, Jeff King said, "STLR's six years of success in helping students develop trans-disciplinary, employability, and life skills produces credentials that verify these capacities. The IMS CLR standard will enable employers and educational institutions to share these kinds of graduates' achievements within a common framework."
To ensure that the learning impact of technology-enabled innovation is achieved around the world, IMS's community of educational institutions, suppliers and government organizations develops open interoperability standards, supports adoption with technical services, and encourages adoption through programs that highlight effective practices.
"IMS Comprehensive Learner Record is a groundbreaking standard that empowers learners to curate their achievements and share the story of their learning journey – from K-12 through higher education through workplace learning – in a secure, verifiable digital record," said Dr. Rob Abel, CEO, IMS Global Learning Consortium. "We are grateful for ELocker's leadership in becoming one of the first IMS member organizations to certify CLR interoperability, enabling a more robust and connected digital credentials ecosystem."
In May 2020, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) issued a recommendation to its members in a comprehensive report stating, "The CLR Standard from IMS Global is the only comprehensive data standard in place today that meets the objectives of an official institutional learning-focused and comprehensive learner record."
The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), a professional association of more than 11,000 higher education professionals representing approximately 2,600 institutions in more than 40 countries, provides professional development, guidelines, and voluntary standards to be used by higher education officials regarding the best practices in records management, admissions, enrollment management, administrative information technology, and student services.
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