Food Gifting in the U.S., 3rd Edition
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Food Gifting in the U.S., 3rd Edition
Fueled by upper-income household spending trends, the food gifting market is on firmer ground, buoyed by continued product innovation and usage occasion expansion: Packaged Facts' Food Gifting in the U.S. forecasts U.S. food gifting sales to reach $11.15 billion in 2012, up 2.5% from 2011. Despite this positive news, we see a plethora of untapped opportunity. While purchase frequency has trended upward during 2012-2012, it remains modest. To expand purchase frequency, we believe the industry can do more to ensure that food gifts are priced at tiers that allow for expanded lower-income market participation. We also identify a variety of tangible and intangible (emotional) product purchase and attribute rationales that can overcome sales obstacles among food gifters and non-food gifters alike. To assist market participants in maximizing sales and marketing opportunity, this report:
- Assesses the food gifter from a variety of perspectives: the degree people purchase food gifts for themselves and for others; the amount they spend per gift, the number of recipients for whom they purchase the gifts, and the kind of recipient (i.e. mother, friend, coworker, etc.). To help shed light on each of these perspectives, in each case, we trend 2010 and 2012 proprietary consumer data.
- Analyzes food gifting occasions, including winter holidays, birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, anniversary, Easter, Halloween, housewarmings, weddings and graduations. We focus on trending food gifting purchase occasions during 2010-2012; providing related purchaser demographic analysis; and assessing occasion opportunity.
- Frames why consumers purchase food gifts, what attributes they seek when choosing a food gift, and posits related questions and ideas to market participants.
- Explores rationales given for not purchasing specialty food gifts and offer ideas to address them—to assist market participants in assessing purchase obstacles.
We also assess leading food gifting manufacturer & retailer strategies and product developments. Falling into three primary catergories (chocolate, floral, and specialty food), the companies include The Hershey Company, Lindt & Sprungli AG, Mars Inc., Russell Stover, 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, FTD, Candy Bouquet, Dean & DeLuca, Edible Arrangements, Harry and David Holdings, Inc., Houston Harvest Gift Products LLC, The Wisconsin Cheeseman, and Zabar's and Company, Inc.
In addition to our market size and forecast, we provide detailed sale analysis of gift boxed chocolate and seasonal chocolate, a significant food gifting sales contributor. This includes 2011-2012 gift box chocolate, seasonal Christmas, seasonal Easter, and seasonal Valentine's Day chocolate candy marketer and brand sales and unit comparisons, and identifying fast growing brand lines among each of these four chocolate candy segments.
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Scope and Methodology
Report Scope
Report summary
Food Gifting Market Size
Details on chocolate
Gift boxed chocolate
Christmas chocolate
Easter seasonal chocolate
Valentine's Day chocolate
Summary analysis
Food Gifting Purchaser, Gift Type, Gift Spend & Recipient Analysis
Summary analysis
Food gifting becoming more prevalent
Thank you, discretionary income gain
Food gift sweet spot stays the same, but 2010-2012 spend per gift trends upward
Thank you, higher-income consumers
Hispanic and black consumers overlooked? Or not interested?
Boxed chocolates/candies remain most widely purchased food gift
But other choices gathering steam
Food gift purchase recipient analysis reveals opportunities
Consumer Food Gifting Occasions
Summary analysis
How important is each occasion?
Consumer survey context
Food Gifting Purchase Rationales, Attributes Sought & Retail Distribution
Summary analysis
Intangible reasons
Tangible attributes
Utility, convenience & value
We don't buy them because they're cheap!
Increasing women's market participation
Harness the internet to reach older food gifters
Specialty food gift purchase sources holding ground
Why We Don't Buy Specialty Food Gifts
Summary analysis
We know you exist; now, prove you have sufficient value
Help us feel more confident about how our choice will match our recipient
Assuage our food fears & offer more healthful food gifts
Convince us that gift cards and cash are thoughtless and one-dimensional
Know thy enemy: trending gift card metrics
Food Gifting Manufacturers & Retailers
Chapter 2: Market Size and Forecast
Summary analysis
Food gifting market
Details on chocolate
Gift boxed chocolate
Christmas chocolate
Easter seasonal chocolate
Valentine's Day chocolate
Food gifting market size and forecast
Graph 2-1: Food Gifting Market Size & Forecast, 2007-2014
Seasonal and Gift-Boxed Chocolate Sales Trends & Segmentation
Segmentation analysis
Gift Boxed Chocolate
Challenged by other formats deemed suitable for gifting
But presentation and quality appearance has its merits
Top marketers: gift boxes
Russell Stover maintains lead
Table 2-2: Top Marketers of Gift Box Chocolates, 2012
Top marketers: Christmas chocolate
Table 2-3: Top Marketers of Seasonal Chocolate Christmas Candy, 2012
Fast growers
Table 2-4: 15 Fastest-Growing Seasonal Chocolate Christmas Candy Brand Lines, 2012
Top marketers: Easter chocolate
Hershey maintains Easter seasonal chocolate lead
Table 2-5: Top Marketers of Seasonal Chocolate Easter Candy, 2012
Fast growers
Table 2-6: 18 Fastest-Growing Seasonal Chocolate Easter Candy Brand Lines, 2012
Top marketers: Valentine's Day chocolate
Table 2-7: Top Marketers of Seasonal Chocolate Valentine's Day Candy, 2012
Fast growers
Table 2-8: 18 Fastest-Growing Seasonal Chocolate Valentine's Day Candy Brand Lines, 2012
Chapter 3: Food Gifting Purchaser, Gift Type, Gift Spend & Recipient Analysis
Summary analysis
Food gifting becoming more prevalent
Thank you, discretionary income gain
Food gift sweet spot stays the same, but 2010-2012 spend per gift trends upward
Thank you, higher-income consumers
Hispanic and black consumers overlooked? Or not interested?
Boxed chocolates/candies remain most widely purchased food gift
But other choices gathering steam
Food gift purchase recipient analysis reveals opportunities
The male angle
The usage frequency angle
The income angle
Food gifting on the rise
Table 3-1: Food Gifting: Purchasing for Self, Purchasing for Others & Receiving as Gift,
2010 vs. 2012
Buoyed by rise in per capita disposable income
Graph 3-1: Consumer Per Capita Disposable Income, Real and Adjusted, with Population
Change, Q2 2007-Q2 2012
Household net worth and disposable personal income up; household debt down
Graph 3-2: Household Debt-to-DPI & Household Debt-to-Net Worth Ratios,
Annual Change and Cumulative Change, 2007-Q2 2012
Food Gift Purchasers
Gift spending
Sweet spot stays at $20 to $29, but spend per gift trends upward
Table 3-2: Food Gift Purchasers: Spend per Gift, 2010 vs. 2012
Food gifting heavily reliant on $100K+ households, which generate 51% of spend
Graph 3-3: Food Gifting Market: Consumer Dollar Share by Household Income, 2011
And higher spend per gift
Table 3-3: Food Gift Purchasers: Spend per Gift by Household Income, 2012
Household growth trends skew toward high-income brackets, driving food gifting sales
Graph 3-4: Household Growth by Household Income Bracket, 2007-2011
Household income trends also favor food gifting market
Graph 3-5: Household Income Growth by Household Income Bracket, 2007-2011
Race/ethnicity spend analysis suggests low dollar share contribution among non-whites
Graph 3-6: Food Gifting Market: Dollar Share by Race/Ethnicity, 2011
Household growth trends suggest need to market to non-whites more aggressively
Graph 3-7: Household Growth by Race/Ethnicity, 2007-2011
Black and Hispanic household income growth suggests increased opportunity
Graph 3-8: Household Income Growth by Race/Ethnicity, 2007-2011
A contradiction arises
Significant regional variation
Table 3-6: Food Gift Purchasers: Spend per Gift by Household Income, 2012
Purchasing Food Gifts for Others
Types of food gifts purchased
Boxed chocolates/candies remain on top
Gifting accounts for 15% of premium chocolate purchases
But 2010-2012 purchase incidence gains among other food gifts more pronounced
Table 3-7: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Others, 2010 vs. 2012
Table 3-8: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Others by Age of Food Gifter, 2012
HH income makes a difference in choice of food gift
Regional favorites
Table 3-9: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Others by Household Income of Food Gifter, 2012
Table 3-10: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Others by Household Income of Food Gifter,
Who are food gift recipients?
Spouse/significant other at top of list
Mom, yes; Dad, not so much
What are friends for?
Males big food gifters for spouse/significant other & mom; females drive purchases for others
Table 3-12: Recipients of Food Gifts by Gender of Food Gifter, 2012
Mom, dad and siblings popular recipients among younger givers
Table 3-13: Recipients of Food Gifts by Age of Food Gifter, 2012
Higher income tied to wider food gift recipient distribution beyond family
Table 3-14: Recipients of Food Gifts by Household Income of Food Gifter, 2012
Number of food gifting purchase recipients
Moderate usage frequency provides growth opportunity
Table 3-15: Food Gift Purchasers: Number of Gift Recipients per Year, 2010 vs. 2012
The good news
Better news ahead, with just a bit of higher-frequency purchase conversion?
Table 3-16: Food Gift Purchasers: Gift Recipient Hypothetical, 2010-2012-2014
Gender analysis demonstrates need to increase purchase frequency among men and women
Table 3-17: Number of Gift Recipients per Year by Gender of Food Gifter, 2012
Explore additional food gifting occasions for 18-34s
Table 3-18: Number of Gift Recipients per Year by Age of Food Gifter, 2012
Enhance value proposition among lower-income consumers
Table 3-19: Number of Gift Recipients per Year by Household Income of Food Gifter, 2012
Purchasing Food Gifts for Self
Better to give to self than to others!
Everyday use helps tip the scale
Table 3-20: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Self, 2010 vs. 2012
Do not overlook men's role in food self-gifting
Table 3-21: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Self: By Gender, 2012
Table 3-22: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Self: By Age, 2012
HH income
Table 3-23: Types of Food Gifts Purchased for Self: By Household Income, 2012
Chapter 4: Consumer Food Gifting Occasions
Summary analysis
How important is each occasion?
Consumer survey context
Food gifting special occasions
Winter holidays
Spend categories
Spend locations
Online growth
Valentine's Day
Spend categories
Spend locations
Online growth
More than 6 million food gifting opportunities annually
Postsecondary opportunity
Table 4-1: Graduation and Degree Opportunity, 2007-08 to 2011-12
HH income levels support food gifting spend
Table 4-2: Graduations in Past 12 Months: Key Demographics, 2012
Wedding rate significantly declines
Graph 4-1: Marriages and Marriage Rate, 2000-2009
More than 2 million weddings—and more than 275 million wedding guests
Table 4-3: Marriages in Past 12 Months: Key Demographics, 2012
121 million married adults to target
Table 4-4: Married Adults: Key Demographics, 2012
Mother's Day and Father's Day
Table 4-5: Graduations in Past 12 Months: Key Demographics, 2012
Occasions for purchasing specialty food gifts: consumer survey analysis
Food gifting less prevalent for Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving & Easter
Table 4-6: Occasions for Purchasing Specialty Food Gifts, 2010 vs. 2012
Winter holidays food gift purchase share
Table 4-7: Occasions for Purchasing Specialty Food Gifts, with Population Estimates, 2012
Gender: a close call
Table 4-8: Occasions for Purchasing Specialty Food Gifts: By Gender, 2010/2012
Age: winter holidays a key exception
Table 4-9: Occasions For Purchasing Specialty Food Gifts: By Age, 2010/2012
HH income and food-centric occasion connection
Table 4-10: Occasions for Purchasing Specialty Food Gifts: By Household Income, 2010/2012
Chapter 5: Food Gifting Purchase Rationales, Attributes & Retail Distribution
Summary analysis
Intangible reasons
Tangible attributes
Utility, convenience & value
We don't buy them because they're cheap!
Reaching women
Harness the internet to reach older food gifters
Specialty food gift purchase sources holding ground
Reasons for buying specialty food gifts
Gifts intended to convey an emotional expression: food gift recipient enjoyment matters
Why buy food gift unless the recipient views it as a special, a splurge?
Recipients may not need a food gift—but that doesn't mean they wouldn't want one
Utility plays a role
Convenience and value also relevant, with a twist
Food gifts aren't cheap!
Rationales becoming more prevalent over time
Internet playing a role?
Table 5-1: Reasons for Purchasing Food Gifts, 2010 vs. 2012
Women: gift should be uncommon purchase and should fill want vs. need
Table 5-2: Reasons for Purchasing Food Gifts: By Gender, 2012
Attributes sought when purchasing food gifts
Quality and appearance prevalently sought
Trust and food health also relevant
Product variety, distinctiveness & special meaning vs. value
Shipping and online availability
Table 5-3: Attributes Sought When Purchasing Food Gifts, 2010 vs. 2012
Gender & the issue of thought put into the gift
Table 5-4: Attributes Sought When Purchasing Food Gifts: By Gender, 2012
With age comes wider desire for quality, product variety . . . and online availability?
Table 5-5: Attributes Sought When Purchasing Food Gifts: By Age, 2012
HH income analysis
Table 5-6: Attributes Sought When Purchasing Food Gifts: By Household Income, 2012
Specialty food gift purchase sources
Holding ground
Table 5-7: Specialty Food Gift Purchase Locations in Past 12 Months, 2010 vs. 2012
Similar food gift purchase incidence by gender at many retailers: please explain!
Table 5-8: Specialty Food Gift Purchase Locations in Past 12 Months: By Gender, 2012
Shopping context: women garner higher shopping share across retail segments
Table 5-9: Retailer Brand Shopping in Past 4 Weeks:
Usage Share by Gender, 2012
Age analysis
Table 5-10: Specialty Food Gift Purchase Locations in Past 12 Months: By Age, 2012
HH income analysis
Table 5-11: Specialty Food Gift Purchase Locations in Past 12 Months: By Age, 2012
Chapter 6: Why We Don't Buy Specialty Food Gifts
Summary analysis
We know you exist; now, prove you have sufficient value
Help us feel more confident about how our choice will match our recipient
Assuage our food fears & offer more healthful food gifts
Convince us that gift cards and cash are thoughtless and one-dimensional
Know thy enemy: trending gift card metrics
Reasons for not buying food gifts
Knowledge of food gifts versus food gift value
Knowledge about recipient
Food fears & food health
Alternative gifts
Table 6-1: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts, 2010 vs. 2012
Reasons for not buying food gifts: all consumers versus food gifters
Table 6-2: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts: All Consumers vs. Food Gifters, 2012
Gender analysis
Table 6-3: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts: Food Gifters vs. non-Food Gifters: By Gender, 2012
Age analysis: 18-24s, 25-34s & 35-44s
Table 6-5: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts: Food Gifters vs. non-Food Gifters:
By 18-44 Age Brackets, 2012
Age analysis: 45-54s, 55-64s & 65+s
Table 6-6: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts:
Food Gifters vs. non-Food Gifters,
by 45 and Over Age Brackets, 2012
HH income analysis
Table 6-7: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts: Food Gifters vs. non-Food Gifters, by Household Income, 2012
Regional analysis
Table 6-8: Reasons for Not Buying Food Gifts: Food Gifters vs. non-Food Gifters, by Region, 2012
Gift Card Competition
Positive holiday spending trend
Purchase spend trends
Durbin Amendment and CARD Act
Reg E dormancy, inactivity and service fees
Gift card usage & spending trends
Gift card purchase share segmentation
Table 6-9: U.S. Adult Gift Card Purchases: Dollar Value by Segment, 2010-2012
Purchase share leadership goes to . . .
Table 6-10: U.S. Adult Gift Card Purchases: Dollar Value Share by Segment, 2010-2012
Gift card usage penetration stabilizes
Table 6-11: Consumer Payment Card Usage Trending: By Type, 2010-2012
Gift card usage trending by retail distribution segment
Table 6-12: Gift Card Usage Trending: By Retailer Type, 2010-2012
Chapter 7: Food Gifting Manufacturers & Retailers
The Hershey Company
Tis the season . . .
Sales on the upswing
Table 7-2: The Hershey Company: Selected Sales Metrics, 2006-2011
Product price increase
Pouring money into advertising
Brands receiving support
Trade promotion activity
Hershey's retail customer base
Table 7-3: Hershey's Sales by Channel, 2011
Product overview
New product introductions
Lindt & Sprungli AG
Company overview
New products
Seasonal confectioneries
Other Chocolate Products
Mars Inc.
Russell Stover
Company overview
New products
Whitman's Turns 100
Television advertising
Valentine's Day
Novelty Gifts
Company overview
Product and distribution focus
Sales performance
Company strategy
1-800-FLOWERS.COM is doing well in the face of a recession
Technology makes paying easier
Strategic partnerships
Company overview
Consumer floral and gift mass marketing
Floral network services
Planned FTD spinoff
Table 7-5: FTD Revenue, Orders & Order Value, 2009-2011
New collections
FTD College Rose Collection expanded
Program expands gifting occasions
Jane Seymour Silk Botanicals by FTD Collection provide floral alternative
Program targets weddings, holiday gift giving, and year-round home décor
Specialty Foods
Candy Bouquet
Company overview
Company strategy
New owners are making changes
Dean & DeLuca
Company overview
Food gifts and other products
Edible Arrangements
Company overview
Company strategy
New products
…with new advertising
…and technology
And strategic partnerships
Harry and David Holdings, Inc.
Company overview
Financial information
Food gift products
Company strategy
Houston Harvest Gift Products LLC
Company overview
The Wisconsin Cheeseman
Company overview
Zabar's and Company, Inc.
Company overview
Consumer survey methodology
Market size and forecast
Report table interpretation
Product Definitions
Types of Food Gifts
To order this report:Food Retailing Industry: Food Gifting in the U.S., 3rd Edition
Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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