Global Biomechanical Solutions Urges President Obama to Declare War on Oil, Fraud, Waste and Bureaucracy in America
NEW YORK, Feb. 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Sean O'Loughlin, President of Global Biomechanical Solutions, a New York City based biomechanical consulting firm announced today that Global Biomechanical Solutions urges President Barack Obama and business and political leaders across the United States to immediately prepare the American public for a complete overhaul in how our nation consumes energy and to declare war on fraud, waste and bureaucracy in America. Commenting on the company's position, Sean O'Loughlin, President of Global Biomechanical Solutions, stated that "with the turmoil and revolutions taking place in the Middle East, the world's oil supply is clearly at risk. We can accomplish much of our nation's energy needs with alternative sources like natural gas, clean coal technology, solar, wind power and hydrogen fuel cell technology. Our country should not be put in a position to have to go to war to protect a vital resource when there are proven alternative sources that can be developed domestically. Now is the time for America to step to the plate. We need to officially declare a war on fraud, waste and bureaucracy in America. Global Biomechanical Solutions started the battle with the Biomechanical Revolution here in New York City. It's now time for the rest of the country to join us."
ABOUT THE BIOMECHANICAL REVOLUTION: the Biomechanical Revolution is a growing phenomenon taking place in New York City's insurance defense industry in which a growing number of insurance companies and insurance defense attorneys are turning to biomechanical experts to fight fraudulent, suspicious and exaggerated claims.
ABOUT GLOBAL BIOMECHANICAL SOLUTIONS: Global Biomechanical Solutions is a New York City based biomechanical consulting firm which educates the insurance defense industry about the use of biomechanical experts and sells biomechanical expert witness services. Please visit us on the web at
Sean O'Loughlin, Esq. |
President |
Global Biomechanical Solutions |
11 Penn Plaza, 5th Floor |
New York, NY 10001 |
Tele: (212) 946-4909 |
Fax: (212) 946-4911 |
SOURCE Global Biomechanical Solutions
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