HIA TOPICS delivers library of medically authenticated answers
ALPHARETTA, Ga., June. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/-- The Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia today announced the launch of a partnership with HIA Technologies, Inc™. This important development is part of a larger strategic plan to expand efforts to reach and improve the effectiveness in serving the Hispanic/Latino community. It will also serve other minority, underserved, and socio-economically challenged populations. The interactive education platform, HIA TOPICS™ will be leveraged to reduce misinformation, increase engagement, and improve health literacy. Leveraging 20+ years of academic research in human/computer interaction, digital humans, and advanced AI technologies, HIA TOPICS allows health providers to create their own virtual learning environments, eliminates barriers to medically validated information, and connects patients to real-time answers from their physician via conversational AI.
Shirley E. "Bella," Borghi, HHCGA Executive Director, said this about the partnership with HIA:
"The HHCGA has long regarded education as a critical strategic component in the quest to promote awareness and facilitate access to healthcare services and available benefits. By partnering with HIA, the HHCGA can now deliver a library of healthcare topics, sourced from known and respected subject matter experts to the Hispanic/Latino community. HIA TOPICS represents an extraordinary opportunity for underserved communities to have answers to health questions, and to do so in an interactive virtual learning environment."
With HIA TOPICS, clinicians deploy physician-authored education from a library of healthcare topics. Digital agents then host interactive presentations during which patients can ask questions and hear their physician's answers, thanks to physician-controlled AI.
CEO Vacit Arat states, "Our method of matching physician-authored responses to real-time patient questions simulates live interactions with pinpoint accuracy." He adds, "Patients get trusted information from the source, stop error-prone internet searches, and reconnect with their providers from the safety of home. HHCGA is a perfect example of how organizations that are committed to health equity can leverage cutting-edge technology that is both inclusive and accessible."
For HHCGA, the goal of the program is to explore the utility and impact of HIA TOPICS on patients, and measure potential improvements in efficiency and adherence to or adoption of medical protocols. Some specific use outcomes that are being collected include: quantitative and qualitative data to address the impact of social determinants on underserved populations, with a focus on the Hispanic/Latino population and ultimately justify their Extension For Community Healthcare Outcomes (Echo) model, which would support peer collaboration, network building, and capacity resilience throughout the public health workforce.
HHCGA's implementation of HIA TOPICS focused first on increasing awareness for screening exams related to Colonoscopy and Mammography. Colon cancer and breast cancer kill a disproportionate number of Hispanic/Latino and Black Americans every year. As cited by the American Cancer Society, 176,000 new cancer cases will be diagnosed within our Hispanic/Latino population, resulting in 46,500 deaths each year, and 224,080 new cancer cases will be diagnosed within the Black community resulting in 73,680 deaths each year. With early screening and detection, the survival rate of these cancers is dramatically increased for better health outcomes. By providing trustworthy education designed to specifically reach these audiences, HHCGA plans to publish results from this program in a whitepaper this summer.
About HIA Technologies
HIA Technologies, Inc. was founded with the mission to vastly expand the ways businesses reach their audiences, allowing them to participate in intimate, personalized, conversations in an efficient, precise, and low-cost manner. HIA's Embodied AI technology is a transformative user interface that allows artificially intelligent interactive characters to conduct sophisticated conversations with people, educate them, ask and answer questions, and report back on the interactions. A result of 20+ years of research in human-computer interaction, digital humans, AI, and XR, HIA's products allow businesses to quickly create and deploy conversations at scale, opening the door to endless engagement opportunities.
About The HHCGA
The Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia, ("HHCGA"), is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, with more than
35 years dedicated to serving the Hispanic/Latino and under-served populations throughout the State of Georgia. The HHCGA is Georgia's only statewide organization focused on Hispanic/Latino Chronic Disease prevention and better health outcomes. It offers direct community services and support activities to improve the health of Georgia Latinos. As an expert in community health promotion, education, policy, and health advocacy, HHCGA creates high-quality, culturally sensitive, and linguistically appropriate health care and prevention services for their community.
Media Contact
Jolean Sheffield
VP Content and Marketing [email protected] www.HIA.AI
Ossie Williams
Director of Communications/PR
[email protected]
SOURCE Hispanic Health Coalition of GA
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