NEW YORK, Feb. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
MarketVIEW: Meningococcus serogroup B vaccines
With the introduction of vaccines to prevent invasive meningococcal disease due serogroups ACWY, serogroup B now remains a major contributor to current disease burden, especially in Europe where it accounts for >50% of cases. Outer membrane vesicle (OMV) based vaccines have been used successfully to tackle clonal epidemics most recently in New Zealand and Normandy, however, these vaccines are strain specific and have limited utility on a global scale. Novartis and Pfizer vaccines are currently developing broader acting protein based vaccines, the former (4CmenB) is current undergoing registration in the EMA region.
This MarketVIEW product is a comprehensive commercial opportunity assessment which forecasts the potential of new menB vaccines to 2030. The product contains three forecast models (LO, BASE, HI) which examine different adoption scenarios across 40 countries. Detailed coverage of Novartis (4CMenB) and Pfizer (rLP2086) is included with a focus on development history to date and coverage of latest cost effectiveness issues. Other novel menB vaccine approaches are discussed.
This product is an ideal source of analysis for those wishing to assess the field of new meningococcal vaccines.
THIS PRODUCT IS A EXECUTIVE PRESENTATION + 3 MODELS Contents – Executive presentation (MS PowerPoint based)Author's noteExecutive summaryCommercial model – key outputsTotal available global market to 2030: menB vaccine(s)menB vaccine: available market (<1 yrs) to 2030>menB vaccine: available market (1-5 yrs) to 2030menB vaccine: available market (11 - 18 yrs) to 2030menB vaccine: country adoption groupings (BASE) to 2030menB vaccine: early adopter MCC countries (BASE) to 2030menB vaccine: region summary (2018) - base scenarioNovartis Vaccines revenues per scenario to 2030Pfizer Vaccines revenues per scenario to 2030Disease background and latest epidemiologyImportance of serogroup BN. meningitidis dominant serotype(s) per regionN. meningitidis % serotype per regionGlobal ranking of N. meningitidis (all) incidenceGlobal ranking of N. meningitidis (serogroup B) incidenceUS - N. meningitidis incidence: serogroup distribution by ageUS - N. meningitidis incidence: by year 1997 – 2009Serogroup B: importance of global strainsImportance of meningococcal carriageDiscussion of meningococcal serogroup C vaccinationCase study for serogroup B?N. meningitidis incidence (EU), 1999 – 2006N. meningitidis (all) and serogroup C incidence (EU), 1999Serogroup C vaccination impact on EU incidence: 1999-2006Serogroup C vaccination impact on incidence – UKGlobal Men C conjugate vaccine programsGlobal Men A/C conjugate vaccine programsGlobal Men ACWY conjugate vaccine programsMeningococcal serogroup B vaccine: modelling commercial potentialOverall modeling rationaleSerogroup B epidemiology: methodology usedSerogroup B vaccine: rationale for country inclusionSerogroup B vaccine: Predicted early adopter countriesSerogroup B vaccine: Predicted later adopter countriesSerogroup B vaccine: Predicted limited/or no adoption countriesSerogroup B vaccine: proposed indicationsSerogroup B vaccine: modeling methodologyEarly adopter countries: vaccine uptake scenariosAll other countries: vaccine uptake scenariosCoverage level assumptions: 1-5 yrs (early adopters)Coverage level assumptions: 1-5 yrs (later adopters)Coverage level assumptions: 11-18 yrs (early adopters)Coverage level assumptions: 11-18 yrs (later adopters)Coverage level assumptions: USA (all ages)UK cost effectiveness analysis: overviewUK cost effectiveness analysis: direct protection modelUK cost effectiveness analysis: alternative strategiesUK cost effectiveness analysis: conclusionsSerogroup B vaccine - pricing scenariosSerogroup B vaccine – vaccinology and summary of major competitor programsTimeline of serogroup B vaccine development progressThe challenge of developing a serogroup B vaccineNew Zealand: impact of serogroup B OMV vaccineIssues with OMV vaccinesA new serogroup B vaccine - which protein antigens?Surface proteins of Neisseria meningitidisReview of selected major protein antigensFocus on Factor H binding protein (fHbp)4CMenB: Novartis Vaccines - vaccine components4CMenB: Novartis Vaccines - late development history4CMenB: Phase III data in infants4CMenB: summary of late stage development program4CMenB: coverage prediction UKBivalent rLP2086: Pfizer - vaccine componentsrLP2086: Pfizer Vaccines - strain poolPhylogenetic tree of fHBP/LP2086 variantsrLP2086: bactericidal activityrLP2086: Pfizer Vaccines - development historyrLP2086: Pfizer Vaccines - B1971005rLP2086: summary of late stage development program (Nov 11)rLP2086: Pfizer Vaccines - B1971009Pfizer versus Novartis vaccines approachesSurrogate markers of protection: key issues and challengesmenB vaccine(s): R&D pipeline / other approachesAppendix I – back up and source materialUK NHS immunization statistics, England 2010-2011BibliographyDisclaimerAbout VacZine AnalyticsPAGES: 110 MS PowerPoint slides, fully referenced/sourced. Available in .pdf form
***NOTE*** - there are 3 models (LO, BASE & Hi scenarios) each with ~ 90 individual sheets
Title sheet
CHARTS – VAL (pub)
Region summary (2018)
Grand value sum (pub)
Grand volume sum (pub)
Grand vol val (priv)
Country value summary (all ages)
Early adopters 0 – 5 yrs value
Early adopters 11-18 yrs value
Later adopters 0 – 5 yrs value
Later adopters 11-18 yrs value
Global price summary
Early adopters 0 – 5 yrs volume
Early adopters 11-18 yrs volume
Later adopters 0 – 5 yrs volume
Later adopters 11-18 yrs volume
Country worksheets
0 – 5 yrs and 11 – 18 yrs worksheets per country (included for 40 countries)
Country 1
LATAM private
Russia private
Populations =>>
Birth cohorts
Epidemiology =>>
Country men (all) rankings
Country men B rankings
% pub/priv
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To order this report:: MarketVIEW: Meningococcus serogroup B vaccines
Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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