Reportlinker Adds Biofuel Market in Europe to 2020 - Blending Mandates and Tax Incentives Will Accelerate Biofuel Demand in Europe
NEW YORK, March 29, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Biofuel Market in Europe to 2020 - Blending Mandates and Tax Incentives Will Accelerate Biofuel Demand in Europe
GBI Research's new report, "Biofuels Market in Europe to 2020 - Blending Mandates and Tax Incentives will accelerate biofuel demand in Europe" provides key information and analysis on the market opportunities in the biofuels market in Europe. The report does a comprehensive evaluation of the market forces influencing the biofuel market. It also focuses on the production and consumption trend of biofuels by their types. The global biofuel industry has been witnessing sustainable growth and developments for the past few years in the backdrop of continued challenges with the availability of fossil fuels and the impact of global warming. Therefore, many economies have turned their attention towards biofuels. Many countries are supporting the biofuel industry in the form of subsidies and tax incentives which keep the biofuel producing companies profitable. The report focuses on the potential development of next generation biofuel and their growth. Many governments have implemented mandatory biofuel blend with the conventional fuel — this has triggered the demand of biofuels in various end user applications. This report is built using data and information sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GBI Research's team of industry experts.
The report analyses market opportunities and key investment areas in the biofuel market. Its scope includes -
- Key countries in Europe such as Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, The Netherlands.
- Biofuel production from 2005 to 2009, forecast forward for 11 years to 2020.
- Biofuel consumption from 2005 to 2009, forecast forward for 11 years to 2020
- Key topics includes: biofuel feedstock and market behavior, regulatory framework including various biofuel standards and various initiatives taken by biofuel companies.
Reasons to buy
The report will enhance your decision making capability in a rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends and developments that are driving the biofuels market
- Identify the necessities of next generation biofuels, their key geographies and evolving market potential.
- Develop business and market strategies region wise based on the key geographies of biofuel development.
- To cater to various business opportunities and make more informed business decisions based on the in depth analysis of the biofuel demand from various end users of biofuels.
Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 3
1.1 List of Tables 5
1.2 List of Figures 6
2 Europe Biofuels Market Definition 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.1.1 Market Definition 7
2.2 Classification of Europe Biofuel Market 8
2.2.1 Classification of Europe Biofuel Market by Geography 9
2.3 GBI Research Report Guidance 9
3 Europe Biofuels Market Analysis and Forecasts 10
3.1 Europe Biofuel Market, Market Force Analysis 10
3.1.1 Europe Biofuel Market, Key Drivers 10
3.1.2 Europe Biofuel Market, Key Restraints 13
3.1.3 Europe Biofuel Market, Key Challenges 14
3.2 Europe Biofuel Production and Consumption 15
3.2.1 Europe Biofuel Production (Mbblpd) 15
3.2.2 Europe Biofuel Production (Mbblpd) by Types, 17
3.2.3 Europe Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), On the Basis of Country 21
3.2.4 Europe Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd) 27
3.2.5 Europe Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), by Types 29
3.2.6 Europe Biofuel Consumption, (Mbblpd), On the basis of Country 32
4 Europe Biofuels Market, Major Country Analysis 38
4.1 Germany Biofuel Market Analysis 38
4.1.1 Germany Feedstock Production Assessment 38
4.1.2 Germany Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 47
4.1.3 Germany Key Biofuel Plants, 2009 49
4.1.4 Germany Biofuel Consumption, 2005–2009 50
4.1.5 Germany Biofuel Market, Key Policies 51
4.1.6 Germany Biofuel Market, Key Companies 52
4.2 France Biofuel Market Analysis 58
4.2.1 France Feedstock Production Assessment 58
4.2.2 France Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 71
4.2.3 France Key Biofuel Plants, 2009 73
4.2.4 France Biofuel Consumption, 2005–2009 74
4.2.5 France Biofuel Market, Key Policies 75
4.2.6 France Biofuel Market, Key Companies 78
4.3 Italy Biofuel Market Analysis 81
4.3.1 Italy Feedstock Production Assessment 81
4.3.2 Italy Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 89
4.3.3 Italy Key Biofuel Plants, 2009 91
4.3.4 Italy Biofuel Consumption, 2005–2009 92
4.3.5 Italy Biofuel Market, Key Policies 93
4.3.6 Italy Biofuel Market, Key Companies 93
5 Europe Biofuel Market , Deals 95
5.1 Asset Finance 95
5.2 Equity Offerings 97
5.3 Debt Offerings 98
5.4 Private Equity/Venture Financing (PE/VC) 99
5.5 Acquisitions 101
6 Appendix 103
6.1 About GBI Research 103
6.2 Abbreviations 103
6.3 Methodology 103
6.3.1 Coverage 103
6.3.2 Secondary Research 104
6.3.3 Primary Research 104
6.3.4 Expert Panel Validation 104
6.4 Contact Us 105
6.5 Disclaimer 105
List of Tables
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1:Europe Biofuel Market, Key Drivers 10
Table 2:Subsidy Cost ($) per ton of CO2 equivalent 11
Table 3:Biofuel Market, Europe, Mandatory Blending Targets, (%),2009 11
Table 4:EU, Support for Ethanol and Biodiesel, 2009 12
Table 5:Europe Biofuel Market, Key Restraints 13
Table 6:Biofuel Market, Europe ,Key Challenges 14
Table 7:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biofuel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 16
Table 8:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biodiesel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 18
Table 9:Biofuel Market, Europe, Ethanol Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 20
Table 10:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biofuel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 22
Table 11:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biodiesel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 24
Table 12:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Ethanol Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 26
Table 13:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 28
Table 14:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biodiesel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 29
Table 15:Biofuel Market, Europe, Ethanol Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 31
Table 16:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 33
Table 17:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biodiesel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 35
Table 18:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Ethanol Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 37
Table 19:Rapeseed Production (Million Metric tons), Germany ,2005–2020 39
Table 20:Rapeseed Harvested Area (Million acres), Germany ,2005–2020 40
Table 21:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/ metric ton), Germany, 2005–2009 41
Table 22:Feedstock Use for Ethanol Production ('000 Metric tons), Europe, 2009 42
Table 23:Wheat Production (Million Metric tons), Germany, 2005–2020 43
Table 24:Wheat Harvested Area (Million acres), Germany ,2005–2020 45
Table 25:Wheat Producer Prices ($/ metric ton), Germany, 2005–2009 46
Table 26:Biofuel Market, Germany, Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 48
Table 27:Key Biodiesel Plants, Germany, 2009 49
Table 28:Biofuel Market , Germany, Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2009 50
Table 29:Major Product and Services, Cargill, 2009 55
Table 30:Rapeseed Production (Million Metric tons), France ,2005–2020 59
Table 31:Rapeseed Harvested Area (Million acres), France, 2005–2020 60
Table 32:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France, 2005–2009 61
Table 33:Sugar beet Production (Million Metric tons), France, 2005–2020 63
Table 34:Sugar beet Harvested Area (Million acres), France, 2005–2020 64
Table 35:Sugar beet Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France, 2005–2020 65
Table 36:Wheat Production (Million Metric tons), France ,2005–2020 67
Table 37:Wheat Harvested Area (Million acres), France, 2005–2020 69
Table 38:Wheat Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France, 2005–2009 70
Table 39:Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), France, 2005–2020 72
Table 40:Key Ethanol Plants, France , 2009 73
Table 41:Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), France, 2005–2009 74
Table 42:Ethanol Blending Targets, France, 2009 75
Table 43:Ethanol Tax Rebates, France, 2009 76
Table 44:Ethanol TGAP Rate (%), France, 2009 77
Table 45:Major Product and Services, CropEnergies AG, 2009 79
Table 46:Major Product and Services , 2009 80
Table 47:Rapeseed Production (Metric tons),Italy, 2005–2020 82
Table 48:Rapeseed Harvested Area (acres), Italy, 2005–2020 83
Table 49:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/metric ton), Italy ,2005–2009 84
Table 50:Grapes Production (Million Metric tons), Italy, 2005–2020 86
Table 51:Grapes Harvested Area (Million acres), Italy, 2005–2020 87
Table 52:Grapes Producer Prices ($/ton), Italy, 2005–2009 88
Table 53:Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), Italy, 2005–2020 90
Table 54:Key Biodiesel Plants, Italy, 2009 91
Table 55:Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), Italy, 2005–2009 92
Table 56:Biofuel Market, Europe, Asset Finance Deals, 2005–2010 95
Table 57:Biofuel Market, Europe, Key Asset Finance Deals, 2010 96
Table 58:Biofuel Market, Europe, Equity Offering Deals, 2005–2010 97
Table 59:Biofuel Market, Europe, Debt Offering Deals, 2005–2010 98
Table 60:Biofuel Market, Europe, Key Debt Offering Deals, 2010 98
Table 61:Biofuel Market, Europe, PE/VC Deals, 2005–2010 99
Table 62:Biofuel Market, Europe, Key PE/VC Deals, 2005–2010 100
Table 63:Biofuel Market, Europe, Acquisition Deals, 2005–2010 101
Table 64:Biofuel Market, Europe, Key Acquisition Deals, 2010 102
Table 65:Abbreviations 103
List of Figures
1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1:Biofuel Market, Classification of Biofuel, 2009 7
Figure 2:Biofuel Supply Chain, 2009 8
Figure 3:Biofuel Market, Europe, Key Drivers 10
Figure 4:Europe Biofuel Market, Key Restraints 13
Figure 5:Biofuel Market, Europe ,Key Challenges 14
Figure 6:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biofuel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 15
Figure 7:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biodiesel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 17
Figure 8:Biofuel Market, Europe, Ethanol Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 19
Figure 9:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biofuel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 21
Figure 10:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biodiesel Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 23
Figure 11:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Ethanol Production (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 25
Figure 12:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 27
Figure 13:Biofuel Market, Europe, Biodiesel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 29
Figure 14:Biofuel Market, Europe, Ethanol Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 30
Figure 15:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 32
Figure 16:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Biodiesel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 34
Figure 17:Biofuel Market, Europe, Country wise Ethanol Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 36
Figure 18:Rapeseed Production (Million Metric tons), Germany ,2005–2020 38
Figure 19:Rapeseed Harvested Area (Million acres), Germany ,2005–2020 40
Figure 20:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/ metric ton), Germany, 2005–2009 41
Figure 21:Wheat Production (Million Metric tons), Germany, 2005–2020 42
Figure 22:Wheat Harvested Area (Million acres), Germany ,2005–2020 44
Figure 23:Wheat Producer Prices ($/ metric ton), Germany, 2005–2009 46
Figure 24:Biofuel Market, Germany, Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), 2005–2020 47
Figure 25:Biofuel Market , Germany, Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), 2005–2009 50
Figure 26:Rapeseed Production (Million Metric tons), France ,2005–2020 58
Figure 27:Rapeseed Harvested Area (Million acres), France ,2005–2020 60
Figure 28:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France, 2005–2009 61
Figure 29:Sugar beet Production (Million Metric tons), France, 2005–2020 62
Figure 30:Sugar beet Harvested Area (Million acres), France, 2005–2020 64
Figure 31:Sugar beet Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France, 2005–2020 65
Figure 32:Wheat Production (Million Metric tons), France ,2005–2020 66
Figure 33:Wheat Harvested Area (Million acres), France, 2005–2020 68
Figure 34:Wheat Producer Prices ($/metric ton), France , 2005–2009 70
Figure 35:Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), France, 2005–2020 71
Figure 36:Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), France, 2005–2009 74
Figure 37:Ethanol Blending Targets, France, 2009 75
Figure 38:Ethanol Tax Rebates, France, 2009 76
Figure 39:Ethanol TGAP Rate (%), France, 2009 77
Figure 40:Rapeseed Production (Metric tons), Italy, 2005–2020 81
Figure 41:Rapeseed Harvested Area (acres), Italy, 2005–2020 83
Figure 42:Rapeseed Producer Prices ($/metric ton), Italy, 2005–2009 84
Figure 43:Grapes Production (Million Metric tons), Italy, 2005–2020 85
Figure 44:Grapes Harvested Area (Million acres), Italy, 2005–2020 87
Figure 45:Grapes Producer Prices ($/ metric ton), Italy, 2005–2009 88
Figure 46:Biofuel Production, (Mbblpd), Italy, 2005–2020 89
Figure 47:Biofuel Consumption (Mbblpd), Italy, 2005–2009 92
Figure 48:Biofuel Market, Europe, Asset Finance Deals, 2005–2010 95
Figure 49:Biofuel Market, Europe, Equity Offering Deals, 2005–2010 97
Figure 50:Biofuel Market, Europe, Debt Offering Deals, 2005–2010 98
Figure 51:Biofuel Market, Europe, PE/VC Deals, 2005–2010 99
Figure 52:Biofuel Market, Europe, Acquisition Deals, 2005–2010 101
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