RNLA: Desperate Attorney General Misquotes Survey
Eric Holder Is Short on Facts As He Opposes Voter ID Laws
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Days after Project Veritas released a video showing how easy it is obtain the attorney general's ballot at a D.C. polling place, Eric Holder cited a Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) survey to support his opposition to ID.
RNLA Chair David Norcross said: "Holder is so desperate that he intentionally misquotes an RNLA survey. The brief internet survey was to show the vast majority of states have vote fraud convictions. If Holder truly wants to cite bipartisan support for a position on vote fraud and voter ID, he needs to look no further than the largest and most important commission on vote fraud: the Carter-Baker Commission, and the Rhode Island legislature led by the Democratic Party which passed a voter ID law last year to stop vote fraud."
Former President Jimmy Carter (D) wrote with Republican Secretary of State James Baker that we should, "[s]upport voter ID laws that make it easy to vote but tough to cheat" in an op-ed in The New York Times.
The sponsor of the Rhode Island voter ID bill, African American Senior Citizen Harold Metts said, "I sponsored the Voter I.D. legislation in the Senate on behalf of Black and Latino constituents concerned about voter fraud. . . . For decades many of us have heard complaints about voter fraud. . . ."
Former Alabama Representative Artur Davis (D-AL) said, "Voting the names of the dead, and the nonexistent, and the too-mentally-impaired to function, cancels out the votes of citizens who are exercising their rights — that's suppression by any light. If you doubt it exists, I don't; I've heard the peddlers of these ballots brag about it, I've been asked to provide the funds for it, and I am confident it has changed at least a few close local election results."
Norcross continued: "The bipartisan support is for voter ID and stopping vote fraud that disenfranchises voters. Just as with Fast and Furious, Attorney General Holder is proving to be untrustworthy."
SOURCE Republican National Lawyers Association
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