Siena Teacher and Student Come Together to Promote Environmental Awareness
SILVER SPRING, Md., Aug. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Siena School's Middle School Science teacher, Jennifer Chambers, has officially announced the release of her new children's book, "Watershed Adventures of a Water Bottle", with illustrations by Jesse Auth, alumnus of The Siena School, Class of 2012. The unique collaboration reflects the close working relationship fostered between students and teachers at The Siena School that continues after graduation.
"Watershed Adventures of a Water Bottle" tells the story of a water bottle's journey in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and Atlantic Ocean. Upon reaching a storm drain, the personified water bottle travels the streams and rivers of Washington, D.C., meeting animals along its ride. Each animal—from the water strider to the loggerhead turtle—teaches the water bottle about itself, its origins, its journey, and those of other pollutants in the watershed. Alima is the 5-year old water bottle's heroine, making all readers believe they can be one too. The book also features ten tips to reduce plastic consumption and a resource list of eleven organizations whose mission is to improve the health of water in and around North America. 100% of the profit from the book is being equally donated to the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Surfrider Foundation's Rise Above Plastics program.
Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at, or by visiting or For more information, please contact Michelle Whitman, publicist, at (877) 727-0697 or send an email to [email protected].
View this link to see Jennifer's Fox 5 news clip. Video Link
About the Author
Jennifer Chambers is an environmental educator and science teacher at The Siena School, Silver Spring, MD engaging kids to discover and question the natural world as they hike the scenic trails of Washington, D.C. Her hiking buddies include her two children, husband, and dog.
About the Illustrator
Jesse Auth is a 2012 graduate of The Siena School, Silver Spring, MD who enjoyed the opportunity to use his artwork to tell the story of the impact of the environment on animals worldwide.
About The Siena School
The Siena School in Silver Spring, Maryland serves bright, college-bound students with language-based learning differences, such as dyslexia. Siena's staff and board of advisors include distinguished national, state and local education leaders and professionals. The school was established in 2006 and serves students in grades 4 – 12. Siena's program is designed for students with mild to moderate learning needs who are experiencing a discrepancy between their academic achievement and intellectual abilities in one or more areas such as reading, writing, oral expression or math. Siena delivers an individualized educational program featuring small class sizes, research-based instructional methodologies, a highly trained staff and an educational environment specifically designed to meet the unique needs of our students, with a specific emphasis on the arts. Siena is accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and is an affiliate member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).
Bekah Atkinson
(301) 244-3600
[email protected]
SOURCE The Siena School
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