South Korean Cyber Threat Intelligence Start-up S2W LAB, supports INTERPOL in Dark Web data analysis with contribution agreement
SEOUL, South Korea, March 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- A Korean start-up, S2W LAB, has an agreement with Interpol to support Dark Web data analytics. The company is providing data analysis of Dark Web data after it signing a contribution agreement. S2W LAB will provide in kind support to Interpol for the next year.
Due to the difficulty of tracking across the Dark Web it has emerged as a hotbed of cybercrimes. Illegal trading of critical information such as credit card information, passport information, revenge pornography, and other confidential information from countries around the world have been captured.
S2W LAB is a data intelligence startup established in September 2018.
The company captured a massive ammount of Dark Web data and established a Dark Web database. The Dark Web data is analyzed by and a unique AI based multi-domain analytic engine. In the process of database establishment, natural language processing techniques are used to find links among multiple domains and among multiple timeframes.
Network security researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) were mainly involved.
After one year, the company has demonstrated its technologies by publishing papers and authorizing a number of international patents from authoritative societies such as the Network and Distribution System Security Symposium (NDSS) and the Web Conference (WWW) on the subject of Dark Web and cryptocurrency analysis. Recently, it attracted 3.5 million USD worth of Series A investment.
S2W LAB was invited to participate in the "Interpol World" event last year. CTO of the company, KAIST professor Shin Seung-won, has been appointed and is a member of Interpol's "Global Cryptographic Bank Crime Prevention Subcommittee."
"Responding to the cybercrime on the Dark Web is very difficult due to its characteristics and wide usage of cryptocurrencies," said Suh Sangduk, CEO of S2W LAB. "We will cooperate with international investigations with our technologies and contribute to the technology to be used for good purposes."
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