Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry 2013-2014 - Trends and Opportunities, Budgets, Defense Industry Procurement, and Marketing Initiatives
NEW YORK, Aug. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry 2013-2014 - Trends and Opportunities, Budgets, Defense Industry Procurement, and Marketing Initiatives
Product Synopsis
"Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry 2013-2014: Trends and Opportunities, Budgets, Defense Industry Procurement, and Marketing Initiatives" is a new report by Strategic Defence Intelligence (SDI) that analyzes what sustainability means to the global defense industry and how it is being implemented. Furthermore, this report grants access to the opinions and strategies of business decision makers and competitors, and examines their actions surrounding sustainable procurement practices and marketing green initiatives. Additionally, this report also presents comparative analysis between four years of survey results (wherever applicable).This report provides a comprehensive account of how executives in the global defense industry perceive sustainability and also explores the key drivers and challenges of sustainability management. Furthermore, this report attempts to forecast the change in demand for various sustainable products and services in different markets across the globe. The report provides access to information categorized by region, company type, and sizes.
Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
This report is a result of responses derived from SDI's exclusive B2B panel of senior decision making respondents and helps in understanding the implementation of sustainability in the industry and its impact on business. It also includes analysis of responses from senior stakeholders, including detailed segmentation, which helps the reader to make well-informed business decisions. Additionally, this report also presents comparative analysis between four years of survey results (wherever applicable).The high number of responses from C-level or equivalents ensures optimum credibility and is responsible for accurate snapshots of the industry's best sustainability practices.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
Overall, 79% of buyer respondents identified 'technical expertise' to be a highly important pre-requisite for the implementation of sustainability, and 68% preferred to 'focus on long term goal achievements'.
What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
'Cost savings and operational efficiency' and 'staying ahead of technological developments' were indicated by 58% of buyer respondents each as the key drivers of sustainability.
What makes this report unique and essential to read?
"Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry 2013-2014: Trends and Opportunities, Budgets, Defense Industry Procurement, and Marketing Initiatives" is a new report by Strategic Defense Intelligence that analyzes what sustainability means to the global defense industry and how it is being implemented. Furthermore, this report grants access to the opinions and strategies of business decision makers and competitors, and examines their actions surrounding sustainable procurement practices and marketing green initiatives. Additionally, this report also presents comparative analysis between four years of survey results (wherever applicable).
Key Features and Benefits
To identify the most prominent and universally accepted indices or practices used for measuring and monitoring sustainability implementation.
To understand the specific cost saving targets to be achieved when implementing sustainability.
Identify the leading concerns faced by companies in the effective implementation of sustainable measures.
Develop effective procurement strategies by identifying how sustainability procurement budgets are changing and what will be the key focus areas of projected expenditure.
Identify the specific marketing strategies and channels companies use to promote green credentials.
Key Market Issues
Overall, 56% of respondents indicated that 'adopting video-conferencing' is a key energy efficiency measure which has been implemented by them. In addition, 'staff education on energy management', use of 'energy efficient facilities or control systems' and 'set definite goals for savings' are the other most implemented energy efficiency measures, as noted by 47%, 46% and 41% of respondents respectively.
As per the survey results, 63% of buyer respondents consider 'recycling' to be the most prominent practice for waste management, while 'CCTV drain and manhole surveying' and 'chemical tracking system' are notified as other widely accepted practices, as indicated by 42% and 37% of respondents respectively.
In total, 56% and 53% of respondents from defense organizations consider 'materials which improve efficiency' and 'materials which reduce fuel consumption' as the most important attributes when considering green products and services.
On average, buyer sustainability management budgets are expected to rise by 3.2% over the next 12 months, compared to an expected increase of 7.3% in 2012, 7% in 2011 and 6.8% in 2010.
Respondents from defense organizations consider the 'reduction of energy consumption', 'effective minimization of water consumption' and 'recyclable or reusable product components' to be the critical factors for supplier selection.
Key Highlights
In total, 53% of respondents each from the buyers' industry consider 'quality and durability' and 'renewable energy technologies' as important procurement practices to be implemented in 2013-2014 respectively.
'Corporate or brand websites' and 'email and newsletters' are highlighted as the most important marketing channels by 46% and 39% of respondents, respectively, from defense contractors. Moreover, 32% and 29% of respondents consider 'public relations' and 'conferences and events', respectively, among important marketing channels.
Overall, 46% and 57% of respondents from defense contractors and other service providers identified 'efficiency and cost effectiveness' as the most important driver of green marketing.
According to the SDI survey, 'energy efficient facilities', 'alternative fuels' and 'ceramic matrix composites' are identified as the products and services that are most expected to see an increase in demand from defense organizations respectively.
Survey results reveal that 35% and 28% of respondents from other service providers and defense contractors highlighted strategy to 'explain cost-benefit of sustainability to clients' as one of the important step used for marketing of green credentials.
1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Summary Methodology
1.4 About Strategic Defence Intelligence
1.5 Profile of survey respondents
1.5.1 Profile of buyer respondents
1.5.2 Profile of supplier respondents
2 Executive Summary
3 Sustainability in the Defense Industry
3.1 Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry
3.1.1 Key drivers of sustainability in the global defense industry - defense organizations
3.1.2 Key drivers of sustainability in the global defense industry - suppliers
3.1.3 Key drivers of sustainability in the global defense industry - region
3.1.4 Key drivers of sustainability in the global defense industry - company turnover
3.2 Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry
3.2.1 Major barriers to sustainability in the global defense industry - defense organizations
3.2.2 Major barriers to sustainability in the global defense industry - suppliers
3.2.3 Major barriers to sustainability in the global defense industry - region
3.2.4 Major barriers to sustainability in the global defense industry - company turnover
3.3 Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry
3.3.1 Key markets for growth in sustainability - global defense industry all respondents
3.3.2 Key markets for growth in sustainability - region
3.3.3 Key markets for growth in sustainability - company turnover
4 Implementation of Sustainability
4.1 Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability
4.1.1 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - defense organizations
4.1.2 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - suppliers
4.1.3 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - region
4.1.4 Organizational pre-requisites for sustainability - company turnover
4.2 Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry
4.2.1 Key energy efficiency measures in the global defense industry - all respondents
4.2.2 Key energy efficiency measures in the global defense industry - region
4.2.3 Key energy efficiency measures in the global defense industry - company turnover
4.3 Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry
4.3.1 Waste management practices in the global defense industry - defense organizations
4.3.2 Waste management practices in the global defense industry - suppliers
4.3.3 Waste management practices in the global defense industry - region
4.3.4 Waste management practices in the global defense industry - company turnover
4.4 Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry
4.4.1 Effective monitoring of sustainability in the global defense industry - defense organizations
4.4.2 Effective monitoring of sustainability in the global defense industry - suppliers
4.4.3 Effective monitoring of sustainability in the global defense industry - region
4.4.4 Effective monitoring of sustainability in the global defense industry - company turnover
5 Financial Implications of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry
5.1 Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry
5.1.1 Cost saving expectations in the global defense industry - defense organizations
5.1.2 Cost saving expectations in the global defense industry - suppliers
5.1.3 Cost saving expectations in the global defense industry - region
5.1.4 Cost saving expectations in the global defense industry - company turnover
5.1.5 Effective monitoring of sustainability vs. cost saving expectations
5.2 Global Defense Industry: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets
5.2.1 Planned change in sustainability budgets - defense organizations
5.2.2 Planned change in sustainability budgets - suppliers
5.2.3 Planned change in sustainability budgets - region
5.2.4 Planned change in sustainability budgets - company turnover
5.2.5 Planned change in sustainability budgets - senior level respondents
6 Sustainable Procurement in the Global Defense Industry
6.1 Critical Factors for Supplier Selection in the Global Defense Industry
6.1.1 Critical factors for supplier selection in the global defense industry - defense organizations
6.2 Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement in the Global Defense Industry
6.2.1 Expenditure on sustainable procurement in the global defense industry - defense organizations
6.3 Attributes of Green Procurement in the Global Defense Industry
6.3.1 Attributes of green procurement in the global defense industry - defense organizations
6.3.2 Attributes of green procurement in the global defense industry - region
6.3.3 Attributes of green procurement in the global defense industry - company turnover
6.4 Procurement and Design Practices in the Global Defense Industry
6.4.1 Procurement and design practices in the global defense industry - defense organizations
6.4.2 Procurement and design practices in the global defense industry - suppliers
6.4.3 Procurement and design practices in the global defense industry - region
6.4.4 Procurement and design practices in the global defense industry - company turnover
6.5 Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services in the Global Defense Industry
6.5.1 Procurement of sustainable products and services in the global defense industry - buyers
6.5.2 Procurement of sustainable products and services in the global defense industry - region
7 Marketing Green Initiatives in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry
7.1 Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Industry
7.1.1 Drivers of green marketing in the global defense industry - region
7.1.2 Drivers of green marketing in the global defense industry - company turnover
7.2 Marketing of Green Credentials in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry
7.2.1 Marketing of green credentials in the global defense suppliers' industry - region
7.2.2 Marketing of green credentials in the global defense suppliers' industry - company turnover
7.3 Effective Channels of Promotion in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry
7.3.1 Effective channels of promotions in the global defense suppliers' industry - region
7.3.2 Effective channels of promotions in the global defense suppliers' industry - company turnover
8 Appendix
8.1 Methodology
8.2 About SDI
8.3 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: Global Defense Industry Survey Respondents by Company Type, 2013
Table 2: Global Defense Industry Buyer Respondents by Region (%), 2013
Table 3: Supplier Respondents in the Global Defense Industry by Job Role (%), 2013
Table 4: Supplier Respondents in the Global Defense Industry by Region (%), 2013
Table 5: Supplier Respondents by Global Company Turnover (%), 2013
Table 6: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2012-2013
Table 7: Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Defense Contractors (%), 2011-2013
Table 8: Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2011-2013
Table 9: Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 10: Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 11: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2012-2013
Table 12: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry : Defense Contractors (%), 2011-2013
Table 13: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry : Other Service Providers (%), 2011-2013
Table 14: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 15: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 16: Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry (%), 2012-2013
Table 17: Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry (%), 2013-2014
Table 18: Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry by Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 19: Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry by Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 20: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2012-2013
Table 21: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2012-2013
Table 22: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Other Defense Service Providers (%), 2012-2013
Table 23: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Table 24: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 25: Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry: All Respondents (% Implemented Responses), 2012-2013
Table 26: Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry: All Respondents (%), 2013-2014
Table 27: Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 28: Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 29: Waste Management Practices in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2011-2013
Table 30: Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Table 31: Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 32: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2011-2013
Table 33: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2011-2013
Table 34: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2011-2013
Table 35: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 36: Cost Saving Expectations in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2011-2013
Table 37: Cost Saving Expectations: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2011-2013
Table 38: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2011-2013
Table 39: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 40: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 41: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability vs. Cost Saving Expectations (%), Global Defense Industry, 2013-2014
Table 42: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2010-2013
Table 43: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2010-2013
Table 44: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry by Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 45: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry by Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 46: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry Senior Level Respondents (%), 2013-2014
Table 47: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013
Table 48: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2011-2013
Table 49: Attributes of Green Procurement: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Table 50: Attributes of Green Procurement in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013
Table 51: Attributes of Green Procurement in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013
Table 52: Procurement and Design Practices: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2011-2013
Table 53: Procurement and Design Practices: Global Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Table 54: Procurement and Design Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 55: Procurement and Design Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 56: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2012-2013
Table 57: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 58: Drivers of Green Marketing: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2010-2013
Table 59: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2010-2013
Table 60: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 61: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 62: Marketing of Green Credentials: Global Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Table 63: Marketing of Green Credentials in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 64: Marketing of Green Credentials in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Table 65: Effective Channels of Promotion: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2010-2013
Table 66: Effective Channels of Promotion in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2010-2013
Table 67: Effective Channels of Promotion in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Table 68: Global Defense Industry Survey Results - Closed Questions
List of Figures
Figure 1: Key Drivers of Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 2: Key Drivers of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: All Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 3: Major Barriers to Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 4: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 5: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 6: Major Barriers to Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 7: Key Markets for Growth in Sustainability: Global Defense Industry (%), 2013-2014
Figure 8: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 9: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability: Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 10: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 11: Organizational Pre-requisites for Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 12: Key Energy Efficiency Measures in the Global Defense Industry: All Respondents (%), 2013-2014
Figure 13: Waste Management Practices in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 14: Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 15: Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 16: Waste Management Practices in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 17: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 18: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry (%), 2013-2014
Figure 19: Effective Monitoring of Sustainability in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 20: Cost Saving Expectations in Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 21: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: All Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 22: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 23: Cost Saving Expectations in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 24: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry by Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 25: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry by Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 26: Planned Change in Sustainability Budgets: Global Defense Industry Senior Level Respondents (%), 2013-2014
Figure 27: Critical Factors for Supplier Selection: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013
Figure 28: Expenditure on Sustainable Procurement: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013
Figure 29: Attributes of Green Procurement: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 30: Attributes of Green Procurement in the Global Defense Industry: Region (%), 2013
Figure 31: Attributes of Green Procurement in the Global Defense Industry: Turnover (%), 2013
Figure 32: Procurement and Design Practices: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 33: Procurement and Design Practices: Global Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 34: Procurement of Sustainable Products and Services: Global Defense Organizations (%), 2013-2014
Figure 35: Drivers of Green Marketing: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2013
Figure 36: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2010-2013
Figure 37: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 38: Drivers of Green Marketing in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 39: Marketing of Green Credentials: Global Defense Industry Suppliers (%), 2013-2014
Figure 40: Marketing of Green Credentials in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Region (%), 2013-2014
Figure 41: Marketing of Green Credentials in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Figure 42: Effective Channels of Promotion: Global Defense Contractors (%), 2013
Figure 43: Effective Channels of Promotion Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Other Service Providers (%), 2013
Figure 44: Effective Channels of Promotion in the Global Defense Suppliers' Industry: Turnover (%), 2013-2014
Companies Mentioned
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Eurosatory, DSM Dyneema, KMW, BAE Systems, Global Reports Initiative (GRI), DoD, MoD, Optus Networks Pty Ltd., Telstra Corporation Ltd, Arista Power, FlexEnergy, GKN Aerospace, Recycled Carbon Fiber (RCF), Lockheed Martin, Bioengineering Group, Camel Manufacturing Company, 3M, Cisco, SAIC, ITT Exelism, Y-Fence, MicroLink, Quantum Technologies, Klinge corp, Pure H2O, BlueBox 1200, Scranton Army Ammunition Plant (SCAAP), Boeing, General Electric, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics
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