PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SensiML™ Corporation, a leading developer of AI tools for building intelligent IoT endpoints, today announced that its SensiML Analytics Toolkit is now integrated with the QuickLogic® QuickFeather Development Kit, featuring a small form factor board which enables the next generation of low-power, machine learning IoT devices. The QuickFeather kit is based on a 100% open source development environment and includes QuickLogic's EOS™ S3 low-power SoC with an embedded Arm® Cortex®-M4 processor and flexible eFPGA logic. Integrating with the QuickFeather Development Kit is an important part of SensiML's strategy to provide its best-in-class AutoML tools across the leading IoT platforms from multiple hardware partners.
The SensiML Analytics Toolkit is the only AI development tool delivering scalable, production-grade workflows for IoT development teams. SensiML's attention to scalable, transparent workflows makes it the best solution for getting AI out of the lab and into real product deployments. Furthermore, the combined capabilities of the SensiML Analytics Toolkit and QuickFeather Development Kit provides developers with a complete solution for quickly and flexibly adding AI and machine learning capabilities to their endpoint IoT applications.
The QuickFeather board is unique amongst FPGAs with fully open-source development tools including FreeRTOS and Zephyr for MCU development and SymbiFlow for RTL-to-bitstream creation for the embedded FPGA. Together with SensiML optimizations for Arm's CMSIS DSP and NN libraries and QuickLogic FPGA offloading of I/O and critical feature extraction workloads allows for very efficient AI implementation on ultra-low powered IoT endpoint devices.
"Using the SensiML tools with the QuickFeather kit creates an excellent platform for adding intelligence plus hardware logic programmability to IoT endpoints for consumer, industrial and wearable designs," said Chris Rogers, CEO at SensiML. "The fact that QuickFeather is completely open sourced further broadens its appeal and makes it accessible to virtually everyone."
Pricing and Availability
The SensiML Analytics Toolkit supporting the QuickLogic QuickFeather Development Kit is available now. We also have a QuickFeather board with a SensiML AI starter edition software bundle, for a limited-time promotional price of $99 at the QuickLogic and Crowd Supply websites.
About SensiML
SensiML, a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), offers cutting-edge software that enables ultra-low power IoT endpoints that implement AI to transform raw sensor data into meaningful insight at the device itself. The company's flagship solution, the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, provides an end-to-end development platform spanning data collection, labeling, algorithm and firmware auto generation, and testing. The SensiML Toolkit supports Arm® Cortex®-M class and higher microcontroller cores, Intel® x86 instruction set processors, and heterogeneous core QuickLogic SoCs and QuickAI platforms with FPGA optimizations. For more information, visit www.sensiml.com.
SensiML and logo are trademarks of SensiML. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such.
SOURCE SensiML Corporation
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